LD24 - 教會的大公會議
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教學語言 不適用
參考書籍 1. Tanner, Norman P., ed. Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. London: Sheed & Ward; Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1990.

2. Tanner, Norman P. The Councils of the Church: A Short History. New York: Crossroad Publishing, 2001.
諾曼.坦納著,張紫蘭譯,《探究大公會議的寶藏》,輔大神學叢書 133。台北:光啟文化事業,2018。

3. Tanner, Norman. The Church in Council: Conciliar Movements, Religious Practice and the Papacy from Nicaea to Vatican II. London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2011.

4. Bellitto, Christopher M. The General Councils: A History of the Twenty-One Church Councils from Nicaea to Vatican II. New York: Paulist Press, 2002.