LC07 - 梵二大公會議的神學思想
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參考書籍 1. Burns, R.A. Roman Catholicism after Vatican II. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2001.

2. Butler, B.C. The Theology of Vatican II. London: Darton,
Longman & Todd, 1981.

3. Latoureller, R., ed. Vatican II: Assessment and Perspectives: Twenty-five Years After 1962-1987. New York: Paulist Press, 1988-1989.

4. O’Malley, J.W. Tradition and Transition: Historical Perspectives on Vatican II. Lima, Ohio: Academic Renewal Press, 2002.

5. Wintz, J., ed. Keeping up with Our Catholic Faith: Explaining Changes in Catholic Thinking since Vatican II. Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1975.