LC03 - 近代聖經默感的討論
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參考書籍 1. Burtchaell, J.T. Catholic Theories of Biblical Inspiration since 1810. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.

2. Scullion, J. The Theology of Inspiration. Cork: Mercier Press, 1970.

3. Lohfink, N.F. The Inerrancy of Scripture and Other Essays. Berkeley, CA: BIBAL Press, 1992.

4. Wood, S.K. Spiritual Exegesis and the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans; Endinburgh: T & T Clark, 1998.

5. Neuhaus, R.J. ed. Biblical Interpretation in Crisis: The Ratzinger Conference on Bible and Church, essays by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Raymond E. Brown, William H. Lazareth, George Lindbeck and “The Story of an Encounter” by Paul T. Stallworth. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1989.