RM101 - 基本倫理神學
開課日期 2024-09-03
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參考書籍 1. 吳智勳,《基本倫理神學》。香港:思維出版社,2000。

2. 詹德隆,《基本倫理神學》。台北:光啟出版社,1986。

3. Lobo, George. Guide to Christian Living. Maryland: Christian Classics, 1984.

4. Peschke, C. Henry. Christian Ethics. Alcester and Dublin: C. Goodliffe, Neale,

5. Gula, Richard M. Reason Informed by Faith. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989.

6. Sullivan, Francis A. Creative Fidelity. Goldenbridge: Gill & Macmillan, 1996.