TM304 - 醫療倫理
其他資訊 | 不適用 |
輔助學習活動 | 不適用 |
備註 | 不適用 |
程度 | 不適用 |
教學語言 | 不適用 |
參考書籍 | 1. 金象逵,《生命倫理》。台北:見證月刊,1995。 2. 艾立勤,《維護人性尊嚴:天主教生命倫理觀》。台北:光啟文化事業,2001。 3. 白禮達,《醫學倫理》。香港:瑪利諾聖母醫院,1983。 4. Varga, Andrew C. The Main Issues in Bioethics. New York: Paulist Press, 1984. 5. McCormick, Richard A. Health and Medicine in the Catholic Tradition. New York: Crossroad, 1987. 6. O’Rourke, Kevin D., and Philip Boyle. Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teachings. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1999. 7. Sgreccia, Elio. Personalist Bioethics: Foundations and Applications. Translated by John A. Di Camillo and Michael J. Miller. 1 edition. Philadelphia: National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2012. 8. J. Tham, K.M. Kwan, A. Garcia (eds.). Religious Perspectives on Human Rights and Bioethics. Springer, 2017. |