TB105 - The Acts of the Apostles
Not avaliable for online application
General Information
Course Type | On Campus |
Course Category | T01 Sacred Scripture |
Description | Teaching Objective: As prescribed by Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis no. 78, this course aims at giving the students an example of "the correct methods of exegesis". Hopefully, the students will be aware of "what the main problems are and their solution" and be able to "acquire a vision of the whole of Sacred Scripture with a clear insight into the principal chapters of the history of salvation". This course on the Acts of the Apostles is especially suited to achieve the latter objective inasmuch as it deals with a very particular "chapter of the history of salvation", namely, the primitive life and work of the Church, a Church that continually takes into view (especially in the great Kerygmatic Discourses of Peter, Stephen, and Paul) the whole span of the history of salvation. Teaching Content: The book of the Acts of the Apostles is studied according to the following approaches: its literary form, its structural unity with the Gospel according to Luke, the initial pericope and its zip-function with the last paragraph of the Gospel according to Luke, the setting and content of the Great Kergmatic Discourses, the threefold summary account of the primitive Jerusalem Church, the threefold narrative of St. Paul’s conversion, the threefold mention of Peter’s first preaching to the Gentiles, the Jerusalem Council and its relationship to Galatians 2, the pastoral testament of Paul to the Ephesian elders. Teaching Mode: Lecture, Group Discussion and Personal Reading Assessment Mode: Oral |
College Organization Structure | THEOLOGY DIVISION |
Course Tuition Fee | 1400.00 |
Course Combination | There is no records at the moment. |