TB311B - 後先知書(二)
開課日期 2025-01-13
其他資訊 不適用
輔助學習活動 不適用
備註 學生必先完成TB101聖經導論才可參與
Students have to complete TB101 <Introduction to the Bible> before taking this course
程度 不適用
教學語言 不適用
參考書籍 1. Blenkinsopp, J. A History of Prophecy in Israel, revised and enlarged ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996.

2. Rofe, A. Introduction to the Prophetic Literature. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.

3. von Rad, G. Old Testament Theology: The Theology of Israel’s Prophetic Traditions, vol. 2, Translated by D.M.G. Stalker. New York: Harper and Row, 1965.

4. Stuart, D. Hosea-Jonah. Word Biblical Commentary 31. Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1987.

5. Smith, R.L. Micah-Malachi. Word Biblical Commentary 32. Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1987.