TD206 - 教會學
開課日期 2024-09-09
其他資訊 不適用
輔助學習活動 不適用
備註 不適用
程度 不適用
教學語言 不適用
參考書籍 書目:

1. 張春申,《基督的教會》,增訂第三版。台北市:光啟文化事業,2003。

2. Brown, Raymond. The Churches the Apostles Left Behind. New York: Paulist Press, 1984.

3. Dulles, Avery. Models of the Church. New York: Doubleday, 1987.

4. Kloppenburg, Bonaventure. The Ecclesiology of Vatican II. Chicago, Illinois: Franciscan Herald Press, 1974.

5. Phan, Peter C. ed. The Gift of the Church: A Textbook on Ecclesiology. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 2000.

6. Saldanha, P. Paul. The Church Mystery of Love and Communion. Rome: Urbaniana University Press, 2014.