LD04 - 聖母學的歷史演變及內容
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參考書籍 1. Buby, Bertrand. Mary in the New Testament. Vol. 1 of Mary of Galilee. New York: The Society of St. Paul, 1994.

2. Buby, Bertrand. Woman of Israel: Daughter of Zion. Vol II of Mary of Galilee. New York: The Society of St. Paul, 1995.

3. Buby, Bertrand. The Marian Heritage of the Early Church. Vol. III of Mary of Galilee. New York: The Society of St. Paul, 1996.

4. Semmelroth, Otto. Mary, Archetype of the Church. Dublin: Gill and Son, 1964.

5. Pope John Paul II. Redemptoris Mater. Vatican City: Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 1988.