LS02B - 研習會B:教會關於原罪的教導 - 歷史上的發展與今日的理解
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參考書籍 1. 溫保祿,《原罪新論》。台北:光啟出版社,1986。

2. 溫保祿,《原罪淺釋》。台中:光啟出版社,1991。

3. 貝爾考韋爾(Berkouwer, G. C.)著,《罪》。香港:道風書社,2006。

4. 劉宗坤,《原罪與正義》。上海:華東師範大學出版社,2006。

5. Ormerod, Neil. Grace and Disgrace. Australia: E.J. Dwyer, 1992.

6. Rondet, Henri. Original Sin: The Patristic and Theological Background. New York: Alba House, 1972.

7. Vanneste, Alfred. The Dogma of Original Sin. Louvain: Vander Publisher, 1971.

8. Korsmeyer, Jerry D. Evolution and Eden. Balancing Original Sin and Contemporary Science. New York: Paulist Press, 1998.

9. Boureau, Christophe, and Christoph Theobald. Original Sin: A Code of Fallibility. London: SCM Press, 2004.

10. Wiley, Tatha. Original Sin. Origins, Developments, Contemporary Meanings. New York: Paulist Press, 2002.

11. Blocher, Henri. Original Sin. Grand Rapids, Michigan; Cambridge, U.K.: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1997.

12. Dubarle, A.M. The Biblical Doctrine of Original Sin. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1964.

13. Flick, Maurizio, and Soltan Alszeghy. II peccato originale. Brescia: Queriniana, 1972.

14. Kiekeggard, Sören. The Concept of Anxiety. A Simple Psychologicallz Orienting Deliberation on the Dogmatic issue of Hereditary Sin. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1980.