TB206 - 梅瑟五書
其他資訊 | 不適用 |
輔助學習活動 | 不適用 |
備註 | 學生必先完成TB101聖經導論才可參與 Students have to complete TB101 <Introduction to the Bible> before taking this course |
程度 | 不適用 |
教學語言 | 不適用 |
參考書籍 | 1. 史笳(Ska, J.L.)著,宋蘭友譯,《我們的祖先說:希伯來敘述分析簡析》。香港:公教真理學會,1997。 Ska, J.L. Our Fathers Have Told Us: Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives. Subsidia Biblica 13. Rome: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1990. 2. Blenkinsopp, J. “Introduction to the Pentateuch”. In The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol 1, pp. 305-318. 3. Ska, J.L. Introduction to Reading the Pentateuch. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2006. 史笳(Ska, J.L.)著,宋蘭友譯,《閱讀五書導論》。香港:公教真理學會,2011。 4. Wénin, A. ed. Studies in the Book of Genesis. Literature, Redaction and History. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Louvaniensium. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2001. 5. 個別書本或章節的註釋將會在上課時介紹 Commentaries on individual books or passages will be introduced during lectures |