LD27 - 卡爾‧拉內的超驗基督論
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參考書籍 1. 胡國楨編,《拉內的基督論及神學人觀:拉內百歲誕辰紀念文集》(台北:光啟文化事業,2004)

2. 胡國楨編,《拉內思想與中國神學》(台北:光啟文化事業,2005)

3. Rahner, K. Foundations of Christian Faith: an introduction the idea of Christianity. Translated by William V. Dych. New York: Crossroad, 1990.

4. Rahner, K. Theological Investigations (all volumes by various publishers).

5. Wong, Joseph H.P. Logo Symbol in the Christology of Karl Rahner. Roma: LAS, 1984.