EPH104.2 - 哲學人類學 (二)
其他資訊 | 不適用 |
輔助學習活動 | 不適用 |
備註 | 不適用 |
程度 | 不適用 |
教學語言 | 不適用 |
參考書籍 | 1. Ambury J. Philosophy as a Way of Life: Historical, Contemporary and Pedagogical Perspectives. New Jersey: Hoboken, 2020. 2. Donceel, J.F. Philosophical Anthropology. Kansas City: Sheed Andreus and Mc, Meel, Inc. 1967. 3. Fromm, E. To Have or To Be? London: Abacus Ed. 1976. 4. Lucas, R. Man, Incarnate Spirit. A Philosophy of Man, Compendium. Torino: Circle Press. 2005. 5. Krapieg, M. I-Man: An Outline of Philosophical Anthropology. New Britain: Mariel Publications. 1983. |