TB313 - 保祿書信
其他資訊 不適用
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備註 學生必先完成TB101聖經導論才可參與
Students have to complete TB101 <Introduction to the Bible> before taking this course
程度 不適用
教學語言 不適用
參考書籍 1. Fitzmeyer, J.A. Romans. Anchor Bible 33. New York: Doubleday, 1993.

2. Byrne, B. Reckoning with Romans: A Contemporary Reading of Paul’s Gospel. Good News Studies, vol. 18. Wilmington: Glazier, 1986.

3. Wall, R.W., and Others. The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. X. Nashville: Abington Press, 2002.

4. Sampley, J. Paul, and Others. The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. XI. Nashville: Abington, 2002.