LE03 - 亞洲基督學選讀
其他資訊 不適用
輔助學習活動 不適用
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教學語言 不適用
參考書籍 1. 黃錦文,《連接〈主耶穌宣言〉與亞洲主教團協會全體大會聲明的神學雙橋》,博士論文,未出版。

2. 胡國楨編,《拉內的基督論及神學人觀》, 臺北:光啓,2004。

3. Rosales. Gaudenclo and Arevalo C. G. eds. For All the Peoples of Asia: Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences Documents from 1970 to 1991. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books; Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 1992.

4. Eilers, Franz-Josef ed. For All People of Asia: Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences Documents from 1992 to 1996, vol.2. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 1997.

5. Eilers, Franz-Josef ed. For All People of Asia: Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences Documents from 1997 to 2001. vol. 3. Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 2002.