PH040 - 聖多瑪斯哲學思想探討
開課日期 2024-01-22
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參考書籍 1. 聖多瑪斯·阿奎那著,周克勤等譯。《神學大全》(導讀手+冊索引+三+集補編共計十九冊)。台南市:碧岳學社/高雄市:中華道明會,2008。
Aquinas, Thomas St.. Summa Theologiae. Electronic resource at: http://dhspriory.org/thomas/summa/index.html. Translated by the fathers of the English Dominican province. New York: Benziger Bros., 1947.

2. 聖多瑪斯·阿奎納著,呂穆迪譯述,《論真原》《論萬物》《論萬事》《論奧理》(《駁異大全》)。台北市:台灣商務印書館,2010。
Aquinas, Thomas St.. Summa Contra Gentiles. Electronic resource at: http://dhspriory.org/thomas/Summa/inded. Edited by Joseph Kenny, O.P.. New York: Hanover House, 1955-57.

3. Kretzmann, Norman and Eleonore Stump (eds.). The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

4. Pope, Stephen J. (ed.). The Ethics of Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2002.

5. 王濤。《本性與超性:托馬斯·阿奎那的倫理學反思》。新北:台灣基督教文藝出版社,2018。