LD16 - 郎尼根的神學方法論
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參考書籍 1. 關永中,《郎尼根的認知論:<洞察>卷一釋義》。新北市:輔大出版社,2011。

2. Lonergan, B.J.F. Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, vol. 3, 5th ed., edited by Frederick E. Crowe and Robert M. Doran. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992.

3. Lonergan, B.J.F. Method in Theology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.

4. Meynell, H.A. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan, 2nd ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991.

5. Meynell, H.A. An Introduction to the Theology of Bernard Lonergan. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986.