PH028 - 傳媒文化研究:尋找電影中的耶穌
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參考書籍 1. Baugh, Lloyd. Imaging The Divine, Jesus and Christ-figures in Film. Wisconsin: Sheed and Ward, 2000.

2. Malone, Peter. Movie Christs and Antichrists. Sydney: Parish Ministry Publications, 1988.

3. Tatum, W. Barnes. Jesus at the Movies: A Guide to the First Hundred Years. Santa Rosa, Calif.: Polebridge Press, 1997.

4. Kinnard, R., and Tim Davis. Divine Images, A History of Jesus on the Screen. New York: Carol Pub Group, 1992.

1. From the Manger to the Cross
(Sidney Olcott, 1912)

2. Intolerance (D.W.Griffth, 1916)

3. The King of Kings
(Cecil B. Demille, 1927)

4 Ecce Homo/Golgotha
(Julien Duvivier, 1935/1937)

5. Ben-Hur (William Wyler, 1959)

6. King of Kings (Nicholas Ray, 1961)

7. The Greatest Story Ever Told (George Stevens, 1965)

8. The Gospel According to St. Matthew
(P.P. Pasolini, 1966)

9. Godspell
(David Greene, 1973)

10. Jesus Christ Superstar (Norman Jewison, 1973)

11. Jesus of Nazareth
(F. Zeffirelli, 1977)

12. The Last Temptation of Christ (Martin Scorsese, 1988)

13. Jesus of Montreal
(Denys Arcand, 1989)

14. Jesus 2000
(Roger Young, 1999)

15. The Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson, 2004)